Monday, September 30, 2019

Current foreign Relations with Africa Compared to Past Administrations Essay

The recent visit of President Obama to Africa particularly in Ghana and how he was received in that country is a reflection of the United States’ current foreign relations to Africa. Apparently, the U. S. foreign relation with Africa under the Obama administration is reflected in the following words spoken by the president before the Parliament in Accra, Ghana’s capital. Quoting the President’s word, Peter Baker puts it, â€Å"†¦But I can promise you this: America will be with you every step of the way, as a partner, as friend† (Baker). The US foreign policy as outlined in the president’s message was that the American support to African development efforts is dependent on how Africa takes it responsibility for its own problems. This is clearly depicted in the President’s words as cited by Baker, â€Å"We must start from the simple premise that Africa’s future is up to Africans† (Baker). Obama emphasized that the US support on Africa is primarily because of a functioning democracy and honest governance as he warned that â€Å"No country is going to create wealth if its leaders exploit the economy to enrich themselves, or police can be bought off by drug traffickers. † Furthermore, he said â€Å"No business wants to invest in a place where the government skims 20 percent off the top, or the head the head of the port authority is corrupt. No person wants to live in a society where the rule of law gives way to the rule of brutality and bribery† (Baker). Citing the statement of Representative Donald Payne, head of the House sub-committee on Africa, Baker points out that the Obama foreign policy, as Payne predicted, will likely to â€Å"concentrate on things that would prevent terror like higher education† rather than on the U. S. war on terror (Gettleman) Africa has always been important in the United States’ foreign policy in view of the former USSR’s interests in the Red Sea through which oil flawed to the Red Sea from the Middle East. This importance is reflected in Alan Dobson and Steve Marsh assertion that during the Reagan administration, â€Å"His reinvigoration of the cold war caused him †¦more than any other Cold War US President to Africa in colors of red versus the star-spangled banner rather than the black versus white† (Dobson & Marsh 93). The issue behind the Cold War between the United States and USSR relating to the interest of these two world powers has generated the importance of Africa in the US foreign policy not in an effort to counter the threat of communism in the region, through spreading promoting the blessings democracy in this former slave colony. Apparently, the Carter period sees domestic turmoil as caused by the communist adventurism and implemented a policy of â€Å"bringing about democracy† in Africa† (Adar). Compared to these previous foreign policies, although the Obama government embarked on preventive similar measures, the circumstances demanding for such concerns were a bit different. The situation confronting Africa during the Cold War period was critical because of the threat of communism to reign over the continent, while the situation in Africa confronting the Obama administration is the existence of evils in our world. Baker noted that one evil in Africa that Obama came to fight â€Å"is pernicious mix of greed, famine, and war that has kept Africa down† (Baker). The U. S. foreign relation to Africa during the Cold War era viewed democracy as essential component of the US foreign involvement in Africa. According to Korwa Adar, both the Reagan and Bush Sr. ’s administration viewed â€Å"the issue of democracy and human rights† (Adar, par. 14) as the main agenda in their foreign relation’s policy with Africa. Although the Obama administration also emphasized on the role of ‘functioning democracy’ in his foreign relation policy with Africa, the Obama administration stressed on the issues of corruption and tyranny in the government as the main issues held by the government as primary responsibility of the government to resolve, whereas, both the Reagan and Bush Sr. administration pointed out the human rights violation and the containment of communism as their main agenda in their foreign policy. Regarding the Clinton administration, Adar pointed out that the Bush administration’s efforts on the issue of human rights and democracy â€Å"were carried on by President Clinton† (Adar par. 17). Adar argued that even though the US had no foreign policy towards Africa prior to Clinton presidency, the existing policy during that time was to provide support to leaders â€Å"on the basis of anti-communist or anti-apartheid rhetoric more than their actions†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Adar, par. 16). The Clinton administration strengthened its commitment as part of his foreign policy, its commitment to human rights. Adar cited that in response to violence and killings of innocent people by the Abacha regime in Nigeria, Clinton cutoff $450, 000 in the US aid in military training and $11 million in grants. In comparison, although the Obama government is also dealing with insurgencies, as Representative Payne earlier cited, the Obama government policy to be implemented in Africa will not likely be about the ‘US fight on the war on terror’, but it will be on preventing the breeding of terrorist and terrorism through providing opportunity of having higher education. Thus, the Obama government foreign policy will likely to yield better results than the previous governments. Obviously, the big difference was that his ethnic origin with Africa placed his foreign policy towards Africa make all the difference because it is based not only shared political ends, but on his shared heritage with Africa. Work Cited Adar, Korwa G. â€Å"The Wilsonian Conception of Democracy and Human Rights: A Retrospective and Prospective. † African Studies Quarterly: The Online Journal for African Studies. Date Retrieved: July 14, 2009. http://web. africa. ufl. edu/asq/v2/v2i2a3. htm Baker, Peter. â€Å"Obama Delivers Call for Change to a Rapt Africa. † July 11, 2009. The New York Times. July 14, 2009. http://www. nytimes. com/2009/07/12/world/africa/12prexy. html? em Dobson, Alan P. $ Marsh, S. US Foreign Policy Since 1945. New York: Routledge 2001 Gettleman, Jeffrey. â€Å"Obama in Africa: Welcome Back, Son. Now Don’t Forget Us. † July 11, 2009. The New York Times. July 14, 2009. http://www. nytimes. com/2009/07/12/weekinreview/12gettleman. html? ref=africa

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Homosexulity & A sexual behavior Essay

A sexual behavior involving attraction towards individuals having the same sex is called Homosexuality. People have been wondering whether a homosexual couple should come out and tell all that they are homosexual. (Sullivan, 05) This is a great debate of present society over homosexual marriage, adoption by homosexual couples and the fight for homosexual partners to be treated the same as heterosexual partners in society‘s eyes. Homosexuality is not a disease even though it is treated as such. Homosexuality has been condemned in modern day society but was widely tolerated by the Greeks and Romans. When looking back at the history of the Greeks, Spartans and Romans , it is revealed that they were great fighters; one reason for this is because most soldiers were homosexual and their fellow soldiers were their lovers and they would do anything to save their lovers life. Homosexuality was actually encouraged by the ancient Greece which was written about in the heroic relationship between Achilles and Patroclus in the Iliad by Homer. It was thought that homosexuality would boost morale as well as bravery amongst the soldiers. The Greeks even practiced pederasty as a way of population control, education and crime reduction. It was also encouraged within the military to boost troop morale, bravery and overall fighting. Pederasty is a sexual relationship between an adolescent boy and an adult male who is not a family member. This could be referred to today as pedophilia. Some of the greatest men in history were homosexual or had homosexual tendencies such as (President) Abraham Lincoln, (artist, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, architect, writer) Leonardo da Vinci, (Greek King) Alexander the Great, (Roman Leader) Julius Caesar to name a few. According to the church and modern day society, homosexuality is wrong, Most of the religions believe that God hates homosexuals, homosexuals will never go to heaven and God destroyed Sodom because of homosexual behavior within the city. However, the church also says not hate the homosexuals but to only hate their behavior. Homosexuality is much more prevalent that one may want to admit; the figures are actually startling. ‘Alfred Kinsey‘s 1948 study of the sex lives of 5,000 white males shocked the nation: 37 percent had at least one homosexual experience to orgasm in their adult lives; an additional 13 percent had homosexual fantasies to orgasm; 4 percent were exclusively homosexual in their practices; another 5 percent had virtually no heterosexual experience; and nearly one-fifth had at least as many homosexual as heterosexual experiences. Two out of five men one passes on the street have had orgasmic sex with men’. (Nicolosi, 105) According to that study close to 80% of the male population has had or is having homosexual experiences. The reason why it is so shocking is because of the number of people that speak out against homosexuality far outweighs the 20% that supposedly is not or does not have homosexual experiences. Society ‘s misperception of a homosexual is an effeminate man that goes around talking in a feminine manner, talks about clothes or a butch woman who dresses like a man and talks like a man. However this perception is often wrong and in reality most homosexuals are people who we say are normal, our neighbors, friends, hairdressers and police. This has really opened my eyes and I am now questioning everyone around me; are they outspoken about gays because they are but they do not want to draw attention to themselves by keeping quiet so they shout the loudest? The numbers are quite astonishing which means they also may encompass any man a girl dates or even someone’s ex-husband. Is this study flawed? This means that two out of five men one may see walking down street have had some form of homosexual experience. Then question arises, should gay marriages be allowed? To date there are only two states that allow homosexuals to marry and they are the state of California and the state of Massachusetts. In 2004 Massachusetts became the first state to allow same sex couples the right to marry. California became the second state in 2008. Looking back at interracial marriages in the United States, the first state to allow interracial couple to marry was in 1948 in the state of California and it took 19 years before the U. S. Supreme Court changed the definition of marriage in 1967 and made interracial marriage available to committed couples that were in love throughout the entire country. If it was to use this as an example as to how long it will take same sex marriages to be accepted in every state, it would probably not be until 2023. In the bible it says marriage is a union between a man and a woman. Why does society cares about what other people do if it will never affect us in any way? Is homosexuality a genetic thing? It is for sure that there is a great excuse for homosexuals to use in order to brush people off and explain why they are gay. A scientific study that was conducted by a university in Ontario Canada suggested that male same sex orientation is linked to having older brothers even if they are not all rose together. They suggested that homosexuality results from an immune response to the mother to her male child in the womb. The research claims that a woman that has given birth to multiple males will be more susceptible to this abnormality. After having a male child or children sometimes the mother‘s immune response to her succeeding male pregnancies is to affect the child‘s future sexual orientation; which would be maternal anti-male antibodies on the sexual orientation of the brain. The immune response by the mother‘s body would damage the sexual differentiation of the brain of the male child in the womb which will in turn produce an abnormality in the fetus. This would conclude that homosexuality is not learned but a birth abnormality. There have not been enough studies done on this and there are no scientists that would come out and say this is definitive. (Sullivan, 305) However, after saying that homosexuality in animal world is widespread and has been well documented; this makes me rethink that there may be some validity to the genetic study above or maybe it ‘s just something that is a learned behavior in both the human and animal world. After all, it is known that animals do learn and explore different things so it may be that they learned this behavior and all others learned by example. Homosexuals believe that to have children is more about dependability and dedication, not sexual point of reference. They say that there is no valid reason behind passing the anti-homosexual adoption law by the government. Those who are against homosexual adoption believe that being adopted by parents who are living together as homosexuals, may bring out unrestrained homophobia from the rest of society. Children can be very harsh with their words and actions against others who know not how to react and defend themselves because they do not know the â€Å"normal† lifestyle in which the other children lead. They would probably be teased and tormented to no end and there is nothing anyone could to about it. If the male and female household has not been the norm for millions of years, this may not propose such a problem. The children may not even be the main problem. It is most likely that parents of male/female relationships would not allow their children to associate with gay or lesbian adopted children, and would probably create a major dispute with the school system in which they are attending school. (Mark, 3) Those who disagree with homosexual adoption also think that in response to being a child of such a lifestyle, it would encourage the children to be homosexual themselves. Whether this is true or not, I don’t know, but I do think that because that is all that they know they would most likely turn to a form of it sometime during their life ,which would in turn increase the homosexual population. This could also pose a problem for the many people who disagree with homosexuality and it is scary to think of the extremes people may take to rid or exclude this population from their lives. Think of the times of the Civil War days, when blacks were practically banned from the majority of public places because they were not the majority or the â€Å"normal† color. Could this ever happen to gays and lesbians? This is a question we must ask ourselves. I know there are laws prohibiting such acts, but there are laws discouraging many things that still go on today, like murder, sexual abuse, etc. There is nothing really stopping people from moving out of town ,taking their kids out of school, or utilizing the same public places that they share with homosexual people. There are cases where this has already happened. (Nicolosi, 104) Children have been moved to different schools because parents don’t want their child to be influenced in any way by a homosexual, or even a child of one. There is nothing to stop them from taking such actions or even actions much worse. It is hard to tell the extremes that people may go to in order to carry out their beliefs. There are several different web-sites that contained a lot of good information on homosexual adoption. First ,http://www. homes4kids. org/gay. htm is a web-site that explains some of the problems that gay and lesbian adoptive parents encounter. One of the problems that may be encountered is trying to find an agency that will work with them. A growing number of agencies are accepting applications from gay and lesbian adults, however, when the child to be adopted is a child with special needs. If the home study reveals that the applicant will be a good parent, his or her sexual orientation is immaterial. If state law does not prohibit gays and lesbians from adopting, most agencies will be willing to work with you. If you are successful in finding an agency, there are great places where you can find adoption support groups for gay and lesbian adults. One of these places is the National Adoption Information Clearinghouse, NAIC. The address and a little of their information is posted on the web-site mentioned above. Web-sites such as this one are good in my opinion because of the fact that I’m sure that people get down when they are turned away adoption agencies because of their sexual orientation, even though they know they would make fantastic parents and provide greatly for a child. Therefore,support groups may be needed at times to help individuals to keep their heads up and to keep trying until they find someone who can see it from their point of view. They may even be able to point you in the right direction in helping you to find an agency who works well with gays and lesbians wanting to adopt. This is a good site to utilize because like mentioned before, sometimes we need some assistance when we are trying to make a lifetime decision. People who have experienced such times as we may be going through are often times a lot of help and usually have a lot of information to share. This site was created by the North American Council on Adoptable Children. They are a valuable resource because they have experienced many different situations and know a lot about what the possibilities are of becoming an adoptive parent as a gay or lesbian. This particular web-site has any downfalls except that the could’ve put a few more links on it to point people to other options if these certain ones aren’t working for them. There are homosexuals in today‘s society that resist identifying themselves as homosexuals. They have homosexual encounters but have girlfriends so they do not consider themselves to be homosexual and they are mostly black college students. However alarming this may seem one can understand in the black culture homosexuality is looked down on more than in the white culture. (Gerard, 4) Like in Jamaica homosexuality is not tolerated at all, if you are found to be having a homosexual relationship whether it is men or women they are almost always stoned or hacked to death. The killers are never brought to justice since the society considers homosexuality as an immoral thing. Homosexuality is usually seen as abnormal however one should not forget that there are a number of other things too in present world that can be said as aberrant. However, a lot of individuals also believe that consenting adults are free to choose who they want to be with sexually as long as it does not include minors and we as society should not have a say in what other people do. Modern day society is way too concerned with what others do and not concerned enough with what is going on in their own household. If it does not directly affect us no one really care. Works Cited Baird, R. M. Same-sex Marriage: The Moral And Legal Debate Contemporary Issues, Prometheus Books, 2004, pg 135-150. Gerard, J. M, Aardweg. V. The Battle for Normality: A Guide for (Self)Therapy for Homosexuals. 2006, pg 1-5. http://www. religioustolerance. org/homosexu. htmhttp://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Homosexualityhttp://www. narth. com/menus/born. html . Mark. L. Homosexuality, Morality, and the Truth of Church Teaching, 2007, pg 1-4. Nicolosi. J. A ‘Parent’s Guide to Preventing Homosexuality’ IVP Books, 2002, 100-120. Rauch. J. ‘The Marriage Amendment : Constitutional issues’ , National Review, 2001, Retrieved from http://old. nationalreview. com/23jul01/letters072301. shtml. Sullivan. A. ‘Virtually Normal: An Argument about Homosexuality’, Vintage, 1996, 10-20. Sullivan. A. ‘Same-Sex Marriage: Pro and Con’ Vintage, 2004, 300-310. Sullivan. A. ‘What are homosexuals for? ’ 2010, Retrieved from http://mrglennjchs. files. wordpress. com/2010/01/sullivan. pdf

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Danforth Donnalley Laundry Products Company Integrative Problem Assignment

Danforth Donnalley Laundry Products Company Integrative Problem - Assignment Example If the company will not assume or include the $2 million rental cost, it will understate the cost of Blast, and gave an erroneous costing, and so also on the final price. This is usually done through the so-called â€Å"shadow pricing† method, in which the impact of any project is fully reflected in its valuation. This will also give a more accurate idea of the project viability. Shadow pricing is a very useful tool in cases where there is no definite market price yet. From the viewpoint of the project feasibility evaluation, the hypothetical and additional cash inflows from the erosion of sales from current laundry detergent products should not at all be included in the projected cash inflows, as shown in Table 1 (Titman, Martin & Keown, 2011, p. 411). Including these cash flows gives a wrong impression that the proposed project is viable, when in fact, it might not be that feasible because from the standpoint of the company, there are no new cash inflows coming in (no net addition to sales revenue). In marketing industry parlance this is merely a â€Å"cannibalization† of an existing product, or transferring monies from one pocket to the other pocket, to use an analogy. But on the other hand, if there is a distinct possibility that competitors will introduce a product similar to Blast, then that would impact on the project as it can introduce other factors into the equation, such as grabbing or retaining market

Friday, September 27, 2019

Drugstore Cowboy Film Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Drugstore Cowboy Film Analysis - Essay Example In â€Å"Drugstore Cowboy† the weakness of the hero is drugs. The film as the title indicates is on drug abuse, but is not a â€Å"say no to drug† sort of a slogan mongering publicity campaign film. The film tells us about the generation of the early seventies who took to drugs. But the film produced in late eighties tells the story of the life of that generation of the seventies when America was almost obsessed with anti drug sentiment bordering on the verge of hysteria. The late eighties were the times of the winners. Only they counted. But this film is telling us about the losers belonging to the generation just earlier, who got lost in drugs and unreal hallucinatory lives. The film tries to understand that generation, while showing how comically meaningless and desperate the life of the addicts were. The border between medicine and drug is wafer thin. The change of meaning is only in how the human beings relate to it. Like drug abuse there is abuse of medicines; thi s is an issue raised by the traditional medical practitioners like the Ayurvedic doctors against Allopathic practices. To quote Angus Bancroft: A drug is a substance used in a drug-like way, a medicine is the substance applied to cure, and a poison the substance used to kill. The end point is that any object or relationship to an object is only formed by the way humans relate to it. Psychoactive substances become ‘drug’ only when they take on socially active characteristics, which incorporate human agency. (Drug Intoxication & Society, PP.176) PERSONEL BUT IMPASSIONATE: The film is based on the unpublished novel by James Fogle. This writer is one who had served imprisonment for drug abuse crimes. Thus the account of the life of the drug addict depicted here is very intimate and personal. It is something like an insider story. But the positive feature of the film’s handling of the issue is that it is not romanticizing drug addiction, in spite of it being an insider narrative. At the same

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Neorealism and Classical Realism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Neorealism and Classical Realism - Essay Example The study is categorically divided into five parts. The first part defines the general conceptions of neorealism and classical realism as portrayed by the individual scholars. The second part of the study defines power in relation to the views of Waltz and Morgenthau. The subsequent section analyses the perspectives and opinions of the two theorists. The fourth part of the study reviews the critical and normative elements behind the reasoning of the two classical theories. The last section finally summarizes the arguments while stating the stand of the study. From an orthodox perspective, realism deals with the actual representation of the world and the activities that are characterized as being normal. It takes the form of a paradigm. Realism also takes the form of pessimism with particular emphasis on the repetitive patterns of politics and different regimes of power. This assumption is based on the fact that wars, rivalries and conflicts are recurrent in any dynasty. The world is populated with various forms of power struggles between rivalry political parties and regimes and various security dilemmas. These act as the realist’s analytical tools. From a realist’s perspective, the state or the country is a principle unit and actor in majority of the international affairs. Focus is however always shifted to the great economies which are regarded as having power and influence. These countries gain the most leverage on the international platform. Moreover, the state behavior is influenced by national goals.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Should biotechnologies replace traditional agricultural in the future Essay

Should biotechnologies replace traditional agricultural in the future - Essay Example as come to affect the manner through which agriculture is conducted and it has brought about a situation where there has been widespread debate concerning whether these technologies should replace traditional agriculture. Biotechnology should not be allowed to replace traditional agriculture because it will result in more harm than good. One of the reasons why biotechnology should not replace traditional agriculture is that it will neither benefit the farmers in the developed world nor those in the developing world. This is mainly because biotechnology is profit driven and does not have the interests of farmers at heart. As a profit driven industry, biotechnology can be considered to be a means through which major agricultural corporations are attempting to increase the dependence of society on industrial products to the almost total exclusion of products from traditional farmers. The intensification of farmers’ dependence on industrial products through the adoption of biotechnology would ensure that they end up having to endure restrictions based on intellectual property rights owned by major biochemical corporations. The enforcement of these rights would mean that farmers would be denied the right to not only reproduces, but also to share and store the seeds that they have purchased. Such conditions would b e highly detrimental to farmers and would force them to have to purchase expensive industrial products in order to continue practicing agriculture. It should be noted that without the much needed capital in order to purchase biotechnological products, most traditional farmers would be forced out of business, with the market being almost completely dominated by large corporations that are profit driven. Therefore, if biotechnology were to replace traditional agriculture, it would create a situation where it would be difficult for a significant number of people employed in the latter industry to survive the new market conditions. There would be an increase in

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Approve or disapprove each proposal and provide your reasons such as Research Paper

Approve or disapprove each proposal and provide your reasons such as costs, benefits and ethical issues raised in relation to your recommendation to Approve or Disapprove - Research Paper Example If anyone has ever heard of the Tuskegee experiment, or the human experiment performed on Guatemalans by infecting them with STD’s, one knows the dangers that can be inherent upon experimenting on people—which may abound. This research will delve into whether the proposed research and cost, the experimental group and benefits, and the control group and ethics are balanced in experimenting with human subjects. Your committee is the State University IRB. Dr. Jones is interested in the effect of stress on performance on the McCord Intelligence Test. She feels that the test, which is very †¨widely used in public schools, gives misleadingly low scores to kids under stress. The proposed research is about how stress affects student performances on the McCord intelligence test. However, one of the difficulties with such a test is the way in which the experiment was conducted. In order to measure stress—instead of having one group told they had failed and having one group told they had passed—that would not have factored in to stress as much as other ways of testing this. For example, the experimental group could have been given various stressing tasks to do before the test—such as writing a timed essay—while the other group, the control group, would not have to write such an essay before being tested. This would more effectively test the results of stress on students taking tests, some of whom may either underperform on assessments or might have anxiety problems. These people tend not to score well. She †¨wants to divide her subjects (college students) into two groups of 20 each. All subjects †¨will take a bogus pretest and will be given their "results." The experimental group will be †¨told that they failed the test and that it is surprising that they were able to do well enough †¨in high school to get into college. The benefits of the study do not

Monday, September 23, 2019

Nike Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Nike - Research Paper Example In the year 2012, Nike paid Indonesian workers 1 million US dollars after it emerged that the workers had worked an overtime of 600,000hrs for two years without pay (The Guardian, 2012). In the year, 1987, Nike was sued by capitol record for using a beatles song in their advertisement, the paid capitol records $250,000 who had the rights for the song at that time. In late June 2005, a case against Nike by Minor threat of them using their cover photo in their album also led to out of the court settlement where Nike apologized to the band and settled them (Brian, 2002).. Nike like most of the multinational companies has huge stash of profits offshore that it hasn’t paid U.S taxes on. It’s also known that they have paid little or no taxes in these foreign countries. Nike reportedly said that its cache of â€Å"permanently reinvested offshore profits† ballooned from $5.5 billion to $6.7 billion in the past year — this means that the corporation moved up by $1.2 billion of its profits offshore. It also reveals that if it were to pay the U.S taxes on its offshore stash profits, it would be approximately $2.2 billion, which is a tax rate just under 33 percent. The federal income tax is usually known to be 35% deducting any taxes corporations have paid to foreign jurisdictions (CTJ, 2013). With this information it’s easy to reach a conclusion that Nike has paid no tax on its offshore profit stash. Nike has a long list of various offshore subsidiaries others with different names while others bear Nike’s own shoes b rand. In the year 2012, Nike signed a deal with the state of Oregon where its headquarter is based, to enable it pay its current tax for the next 40 years as long as it invests more than 150 million dollars within the state and be able to create 500 jobs within a five-year term (Brian, 2002).. This is a good gesture for Nike by

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Conformity discussion Essay Example for Free

Conformity discussion Essay Conformity was first researched by Jenness (1932) who placed a large number of beans in a bottle and asked students to estimate the number and then arranged for them to discuss their guesses with a group, later when asked to give their estimates again; he found their individual estimates had converged towards that of the group. In Sherifs (1935) study of conformity, Sherif used the autokinetic effect in which a stationary spotlight in the dark seems to be moving due to slight movements of the eye. When participants were asked by how much and in what direction did the spotlight move they tended to make judgements that were very close to each others when placed in a group. The fact that a group norm rapidly replaced the personal norms of the members of the group indicates the existence of social influence. Asch questioned the results of Sheriffs study and claimed that participants only conformed because the stimulus was ambiguous. Asch (1951) set up a situation in which 7 people all sat looking at a display they were given the task of saying out loud which one of the three lines a, b or c was the same the same length as the given stimulus line all but one of the participants were confederates. On the crucial trials on which the confederates all gave the same wrong answer the genuine participant also gave the wrong answer on 37% of these trials. This showed that group pressures to conform were stronger then previously thought since the situation was unambiguous. This led to Deutsh and Gerard (1955) to identify two explanations for conformity, Normative and Informational influence. The latter occurs when an individual conforms because of the superior knowledge or judgement of others as in Sherifs (1935) study of conformity. Informational influence tends to lead to a change in private opinion. Normative influence occurs when an individual conforms because the person wants to be liked by the other members of a group, and also wants to avoid rejection as in Asch (1951). Normative influence is not likely to change private opinions but public opinions. However, since these studies it has been found that there exists a historical difference and cultural differences in conformity. One of the limitations of Aschs work was the background of the participants; obtained from the United States in the early 1940s, Americans were said to be more conformist than other people. Perrin Spencer (1980) conducted research in which they repeated Aschs study in England and found little evidence of conformity in comparison to Aschs study, leading them to conclude that Aschs study was a child of its time. In addition to this Smith and Bond (1993) carried out an analysis of a number of studies that had used Aschs task in the United States. They concluded that: Levels of conformity in general had steadily declined since Aschs study in the early 1950s. Still, Perrin Spencers study was criticized on the grounds that the participants they selected were educated to a high standard and therefore had more confidence in their opinion. This together with Smith and Bonds research suggests that the decline in conformity through time has been largely due to changes in education practices. Hence the aim of this study is to investigate levels of conformity amongst sixth form tutors at Moseley UK, it is presumed that there will be little evidence of conformity since the participants have been through an education system that supposedly promotes independent thinking, as well as the time difference between now, and the original conformity studies. It is also true that the participants experience of society will reflect that of an individualistic nature where the emphasis is on and around the individual to have a sense of personal identity, thus reducing the likelihood of conformity. This will be done by partially replicating the Jennes jellybean study. Experimental hypothesis: The participants will produce estimates that are close to the fake answers already written down in the high and low conditions.  Null Hypothesis: The participants estimates will be unaffected by the fake answers already written down in the high and low conditions.  The experimental hypothesis is based on previous research. Method  Design  Field Experiment design in that experiment was conducted within the school, this design was preferred as it was the most cost and time effective. Independent and Dependant variables included (IV= Condition, DV=estimate). There were 2 conditions High answer condition and a Low answer condition. Independent design in that each participant is selected for only one group. Directional Hypothesis was selected on the basis of previous research, the level of conformity, whether it was significant, was to be established using the Mann-Whitney U test at a significance level of p=0.05.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Human Motivation Essay Example for Free

Human Motivation Essay Need Theory Working relationships are a central portion of a person’s life. Motivation and dedication to any endeavor (e. g. work) and the pleasure from it are collective concerns of the organization and the individual. There are definite factors that generate satisfaction, the so-called â€Å"motivator† factors according to Herzberg. These factors push the worker to the highest levels of accomplishment possible. They are an inherent part of the work itself and consist of the nature of the work, the person’s sense of achievement, level of responsibility, and individual development and improvement. These motivator needs can only be rewarded by stimulating, challenging, and absorbing work. Consequently, the goal of motivation should be to enhance individual growth and advancement, develop sense of accomplishment and liability, and provide recognition (Franken, 1994). In a multinational company like National Panasonic, they practice and execute specific agenda for increasing motivation, one of which is Management by Objectives (MBO). They have faith in involving their employees in goal-setting and in decision-making. MBO works by integrating goal-setting into individual participation in decision-making in order to establish individual work goals to which the employee feels reasonably committed. At the motivational level, it is theorized that resistance to change is decreased if individuals participate in decisions regarding change and that individuals accept and are more committed to decisions in which they have participated in making. To further encourage and increase involvement, the company provides suggestion boxes and hold monthly contests where they give monetary rewards for the best three suggestions. These give the employee a sense of achievement and responsibility for its success. For this company, the employees receive incentives in the form of Ladder promotion, general salary increase annually plus performance rating salary increases, CBA – employees can expect a minimum of 15% increase in salary annually within three years; and welfare benefits which include group insurances, medical insurance, accident benefits among others Baron, 1983).  A company like this goes to such great lengths at least to assure that it does something for sustaining employees’ morale and motivation. Cognitive Theory Research on motivation is related to the overarching issue ‘What creates human action’ writes Franken (1994). While looking for more accurate scientific definitions, though, one finds a huge selection. Motivation theory, in addition, seems to necessitate an assumption of the human species, as various motivation theories formulate different assumptions about human nature. To presuppose that human beings are thinking creatures is of course not a contemporary breakthrough – the paradigm of the rational actor was based on such a conception – but due to the domination of behaviorist theory there are grounds to claim this once more. Cognitive scholars argued that to appreciate human behavior, one must also examine that which is not directly observable, that is, people’s thoughts. Widespread to cognitive theories is the assumption that people’s ideas about how the world came to be influence their behavior. The relevance of cognitive theory to motivation is the fact that it is not just one undeniable reality that influences behavior, but cognitions of reality. As these differ involving individuals, it entails that individual differences become central in motivation theory. A reward may signify something essential to one person and yet quite a different thing for another. Furthermore, history becomes significant. Because how a human being cognizes reality today relies on how she envisioned of it yesterday, and of how he/she imagines her future. Leading, early cognitive motivation theories were those of Kurt Lewin (1935) and Victor Vroom (1964/1995), where the authors made an effort to conceive of universal paradigms in order to understand human motivation, comprising such factors as how greatly a person rates a particular outcome, the possibility that the effect will be achieved, and other forces, termed driving forces and restraining forces (such as time, money, family obligations etc. ) that may influence an individual’s behavior (Baron, 1983). Cognitive theories lead motivation theory today. Universal models may have been discarded, but there is a huge amount of explicit ones, such as self-efficacy theory, equity theory, goal theory, control theory, attribution theory, the theory of reasoned action, or theories of how expectations of one-self and others affect motivation.. This may well be very applicable to adult learners in terms of individual learning abilities and attitudes. Individual differences are accounted for with this model. Adults’ perception and attitude towards learning or education are best explained when using the cognitive theories of motivation.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Wal-Mart China: Sustainable Operations Strategy

Wal-Mart China: Sustainable Operations Strategy 1. Explore through the literature the concept of (Business) sustainability and explain it briefly. Also using references on Operations Strategy describe what sustainability in operations strategy means. Traditional cost management models tend to only focus on production costs, whilst ignore products cost of design, development and customers using. In other words, the business concern visible costs and ignore intangible costs that means the destruction of the surrounding environment such as the cost of social responsibility during production the process. Thus, enterprises want to win the competition, they must change the traditional model of cost management and maintain the lowest cost in the life cycle of product. A broader perspective of product life cycle cost which includes social responsibility cost should be a part of business operations strategy or should be a part of business sustainability strategy. Business sustainability is a business approach have policies of environmental and human rights which means the business creates long-term shareholder value from no negative influence opportunities and managing risks on global or local society, environment, community and economy [3]. Smukowski [2] claimed that the concept of business sustainability is a prior plan of the long-term viability and optimizing resource needs, reducing environmental, energy or social impacts which will not damage the profitability of business. It can be summary from above that sustainable business means the enterprise consider not only financial factors, but also more comprehensive concern the impact of environmental and resource efficiency. 2. Discuss what Sustainability means to Wal-Mart, Wal-Mart China, and Wal-Mart Chinas current and potential customers. What would you see to be a balanced definition of sustainability for the business? Answer: (1) Wal-Mart In order to run business sustainability, Wal-mart combined value and service concepts of innovative operational strategies and set three sustainability objectives including more efficiency of vehicle fleet, reduce waste and energy saving. First of all, to combine value and service of its innovative operational strategies involve 14 SVNS made Wal-mart became the largest organic seller and the largest organic cotton purchaser. In addition, Wal-mart also through its integration of supply chain and ROHS compliance which including supplier or vendor selected and scored to achieve business sustainable aims. For instance, Wal-mart sold 110 million compact fluorescent lighting successful with its partner called GE. (2) Wal-Mart China In term of Wal-Mart China, its through 5 SVNS reach business sustainable. First of all, the strategy of sustainable store and operation can help Wal-Mart China reduce cost and decrease Wal-Mart Chinas footprint of operations. Secondly, to develop sustainable products such as food, electronic textiles and product packaging extend its business sustainability supply chain and compliance. Thirdly, to enhance efficiencies of its supply chain not only reduce cost but also footprint of whole chain. Fourthly, to make a good communication with its stakeholders is another critical issue of its business. Fifthly, Wal-Mart China also through share learned experiences with its supplier or vendor to make its sustainable supply chain more successful. Sixthly, Wal-Mart China employed T5 energy saving light bulb and double sides copy to decrease its energy waste of its business. Lastly, Wal-Mart China promotes the product which is an energy efficient bulb for its customers that is also an activity of business sustainability. (3) Wal-Mart Chinas current Wal-Mart Chinas sustainable logistics centers helped its reduce 31 tons of CO2 emission per year. For example, T5 light bulbs can save 20 to 30 percent energy per day in warehouse areas and resting places and to use solar energy and wind power generator can 7,300 kilowatt hours per year. In addition, Wal-mart encouraged its customers to use reusable shopping bags through some prizes including special express checkout line. Finally, Wal-Mart Chinas merchandizing group still continuing builds sustainability measure tools for supplier selection and some on going evaluation of purchase quantities which can enhance its suppliers efficiency of sustainability. Wal-Mart China also continuing creates innovative initiatives of sustainable and implements best practices for communicating to all of its stakeholders. (4) Potential customers If customers can choose Wal-marts sustainability products which not only improve the personal activity of environmental but also protect the Earth. Although the sustainability products price might higher than others, it still have some advantages such as reduce cost of electronic, long time for use and non pollution. According to the article, T5 energy saving light bulbs could save about 20 to 30 per cent energy which means its can also reduce the cost of electronic of 20 to 30 per cent. 3. Identify the distinguishing features of Wal-Mart Chinas distribution system and operations. Explain how it achieves relatively high availability with similar levels of stock to other companies. Answer: In order to provide high quality products for customers and the commitment of businesss operations strategy, Wal-Mart China combines their high employee productivity, latest technology, experienced co-transport sector, an efficient private truck fleet and distribution center operations which not only is an advantage of Wal-Mart Chinas inventory management but also increase efficiency of loading and delivery. According to the article, there are some advantages of Wal-Mart Chinas distribution center: (1) Sustainable logistics centers First of all, Wal-Mart Chinas distribution center uses T5 light bulbs which can save 20 to 30 percent energy per day in warehouse areas and resting places. Secondly, in order to reduce energy waste, Wal-Mart Chinas distribution center maintains control their air conditioning and heat recycling systems temperature. Thirdly, there are 25,550 kilowatt hours saving caused by ten solar energy water heaters which provide 1.7 tons hot water per day. Lastly, Wal-Mart Chinas distribution center use solar cells and wind power station to make up to 7,300 kilowatt power per year. As a result, each Wal-Mart Chinas distribution center also decreased CO2 by it. (2) Outsourced a standardizes trucking fleet Individual supplier ship was lower than expected fill rates. Wal-Mart China outsourced an efficient private trucking fleet which deliver products from DC to DC or from DC to SC. It not only helps Wal-Mart China achieves a well inventory management but also reduce out of stock rate. In addition, in order to make its trucking fleet teams more efficiency, new electronic technology is used in its logistics management [6]. First of all, Wal-Mart China through the electronic technique of satellite, GPS controls the state of transport. Secondly, Wal-Mart China also uses the electronic technique of GIS which provide digital electronic traffic map can suggest the best route of its delivery. Thus, it can be concluded from above that Wal-Mart become a world-class company is not accidental. Advanced electronic technique of Wal-Mart Chinas distribution system not only increase efficiency of its products delivery, but also decrease the situation of out of stock. (3) Centralized management of returning products Wal-Mart Chinas distribution system also has an advantage of centralized management products which has quality problems, slow sales or obsolescence. These products will also be returned to vendor by Wal-Mart Chinas distribution system. In summary, it is clear that Wal-Mart Chinas distribution system and operations can offer a stable inventory which is part of Wal-Mart Chinas safety stock. By way of replenishment products intensively from distribution center, it not only reduces time of out stock but also increase the circulating of goods. In addition, as Wal-Mart China has a very complete and standard systems or process of distribution such as outsourced a standardizes trucking fleet, new electronic technology and centralized management which also let Wal-Mart China become a highly competitive advantage of Chinas retailer industry. 4. How sustainability should be incorporated in the process of selection and evaluation of suppliers/vendors? Answer: In order to achieve business sustainability successful, both enterprise and its suppliers or vendors have responsible of their roles. First of all, enterprise should offer the requests of sustainability, and then try to find the suppliers or vendors who have production techniques of sustainability. Furthermore, to have a good communication and collaboration including share learned experiences with its suppliers or vendor is a critical part of objectives of sustainability. According to the article [4], in order to achieve ROHS compliance, Wal-Mart adopt ROHS regulation standard in some of its operations including supplier selection and product selection. For the first example, P G which is a large international supplier has a long standing working relationship with Wal-Mart in other parts of world including the U.S.A. It has a sustainability program concept called ensuring a better quality of life for everyone, now and for generations to come throughout its worldwide operations [4]. As can be seen from it, the sustainability development program for P G not only is a slogan, but also is a commitment for its customers. For the second example, Blue moon which is a Chinese national chemical products company supply some soap and cleaner in china. Blue moon also has a sustainable program of its products called Protecting the environment is protecting all of us. Our products deliver not only cleanliness but also protection to our customers [4]. In order to achieve its object of sustainable, biodegradable materials which meet a green environmental requirements used in Blue moons products. For the third example, Wal-mart China also created a initiative sustainable objective which called P2E2 program allowed suppliers to quickly and inexpensively equip their factories with cost saving equipment [4]. In order to continuing meet sustainable objectives, Wal-mart builds a sustainability evaluation tools which used in its supplier selection and product or material purchase. For instance, Wal-mart china had implemented a packaging score to measure and calculates efficiency and objective. In the end, this program also a 13 per cent cost reduction in Wal-marts packaging. It can be summary, if the enterprise wants to achieve, to integrate whole supply chain members such as suppliers and vendors are very important. In other words, to develop sustainable supply chain strategy is the only approach to make business sustainability which not only creates a perfect brand image for customers but also protects the Earth. 5. How sustainability can be improved in Wal-Marts distribution and retail operations. Answer: According to the article, Dong [4] asserted that sustainability will be differentiating factor between a good enterprise and a great one. (1) Energy efficient lighting Wal-mart used T5 energy saving light bulbs which could save about 20 to 30 per cent energy in its warehouse or space of rest. (2) Less waste of air conditioning and heat recycling system Wal-mart maintained the temperatures of its air conditioning and heat recycling system which also is an approach of energy saving. (3) Alternative energy Wal-mart used ten solar energy water heaters which can save up to 25,550 kilowatt hours each year to produce hot water. Wal-mart also used solar cells and wind power generators which can provide 7,300 kilowatt hours per year. These alternative energy not only save Wal-mart cost of electronic but also reduce 31 tons of CO2 emissions every year. (4) Outsourced third party logistics Outsourcing a standardized trucking fleet not only improve Wal-marts effective of shipments but also reduce the risk of goods traveling. (5) Reusable shopping bags Wal-mart encouraged its customers to use reusable shopping bags through some prizes including special express checkout line. (6) Offer two energy efficient bulbs Wal-mart China offer two energy efficient bulbs for the price of one and work with local suppliers in its region. After this, Wal-mart China accepted responsibility and the associated cost of the safe disposal of fluids. (7) Batteries placed In order to solve batteries placed problems, Wal-mart provided a recycle place for customer to deal with it. (8) Packaging reduction Wal-mart china had implemented a packaging score to measure and calculates efficiency and objective in its apple suppliers. In the end, this program also a 13 per cent cost reduction in Wal-marts packaging. As can be seen above, generally speaking, business sustainability concept including logistics, marketing and supply chain has many benefit of the enterprise. Refer to the article; the authors [4] believe that more economical situation caused by more sustainable options. In other words, it not only reduce cost of operations but also make more loyal in long run of its customers.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Hand-grip :: essays research papers

Hand- Grip Dynamometer   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hand-Grip dynamometer are used to measure the strength and endurance of the muscles in your forearm, and to a lesser extent your hand. Using a handgrip dynamometer will increase your performance at work, improve posture, decrease chances for injury, and prevent low back pain. Endurance is the ability of a muscle to work for long periods of time without extreme fatigue. It prevents unwanted fatigue from daily activities, sport and recreation. For the elderly person, good hand grip strength may prevent a fall down stairs or in bathtubs and may help people from dropping jars. It could help the elderly with opening jars as well.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Three area’s of rationale are used to measure strength-anatomical, physiological, and biochemical. These are all interrelated. The first area Anatomical Rationale-Hand grip strength is mainly a function of the muscles in the forearm, and hand. Eight muscles serve as the prime movers and stabilizers in hand grip strength. Eleven other muscles assist in contraction of the hand.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The second is physiological Rationale which has six categories. Six of the most common measurement terms in physiology are mass, force, work, velocity, power and energy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The third area is biochemical rationale exercise may be divided into three categories based upon the predominant metabolic pathway. The primary biochemical reaction for strength, or any muscle contraction is ATP ( Adenosine Triphosophate).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The muscular strength is highly affected by the nervous system. Emotional and mental factors play important part in strength testing. If a subject is consistent with motivation strength variability should be minimized. In women a daily variation in strength range is between 2 and 12% and 5 to 9% in men.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Instruments used to measure muscle strength are cable tensiometer, dymameter, free weights, barbells, isokinetics devices and load cells or elechromechanical devices. Strength is usually measured in units of force or torque. Kilogram (kg), and pounds (lb), is the force unit. The torque unit may be expressed as a foot-pounds (fl-lb) or Newton meters (nm).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The procedures for handgrip strength testing are: 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The subject should be in the standing position. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The subject’s head should be in the midposition (facing straight ahead). 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The grip size should be adjusted so that the middle finger’s midportion is approximatrely at a right angle. 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The subject’s forearm may be placed at any angle between 90 degrees and 180 degrees of the upper arm; the upper arm is in a vertical position. 5.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The subject’s wrist and forearm should be at the midprone position.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Execution of Private Slovik Essay -- Literary Analysis, William B

In the narrator’s quest for information about the bombing of Dresden, he wrote to the Air Force, hoping to gain more knowledge about what went into the decision. His only official response at the time was â€Å"that the information was top secret still† (11). How bombing of Dresden could ever be considered classified when it had such a devastating effect on so many people is just one of the many absurdities pointed out by the narrator in his quest to provide a balanced view of the war. One novel, The Execution of Private Slovik by William Bradford Huie, details the only execution of an American soldier for desertion during World War II. The narrator quotes from the opinion of a staff judge advocate who supported Slovik’s sentence, stating: â€Å"If the death penalty is ever to be imposed for desertion, it should be imposed in this case, not as a punitive measure nor as retribution, but to maintain that discipline upon which alone an army can succeed† (45). The view that a soldier should have to die in order for the military to maintain unit cohesion and essentially teach a lesson to other draftees who may want to desert their post is a hard one for those not in the military to sympathize with. Furthermore, it illustrates the paradoxical nature of militaristic actions, where one is forced to fight against enemies who wish to do them harm, or face death at the hands of their fellow servicemen if the choose not to fight. During a Lions Club luncheon meeting Billy attends back in Ilium, a Marine Corp Major who had served in Vietnam addressed the attendees. The Marine spoke of his experience serving in Vietnam, and his view that â€Å"the Americans had no choice but to keep fighting†¦ until the Communists realized that they could not force their wa... ...cation of the bombings of Dresden as tit for tat in an attempt to rationalize civilian killings is abhorrent to those who see life as sacred, regardless of which side of the civilian line one falls. Saundy is much more sympathetic than Eaker to those who lost their lives in the Dresden bombing. Saundy believed â€Å"that the bombing of Dresden was a great tragedy none can deny†, and that it wasn’t necessary to the Allies efforts to win the War (187). However, he does defend those who directed the bombing, stating they â€Å"were neither wicked nor cruel†, but instead forced into making a tough decision in a decisive time in the War (187). Saundy presents a much more humane view of the bombing of Dresden than Eaker. Saundy doesn’t attempt to justify or condemn the bombing; he instead portrays it as one of the many horrors of war that can only be viewed in hindsight as such.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Macbeth is responsible for his own downfall Essay

In the beginning of the play Macbeth, the witches confronted Macbeth and Banquo and prophesied that Macbeth would be â€Å"Thane of Glamis†, â€Å"Thane of Cawdor† and † King hereafter†. As from then, we acknowledge that Macbeth is a weak character. Macbeth could have dismissed the prophecies as fantastical like Banquo did. But instead Macbeth chooses to believe in those miss-interpreted predictions, which ultimately lead to his own downfall. From the start when the witches said that Macbeth would be king hereafter Macbeth seems to be taken in by the predictions then suddenly commands the witches to be told more. Also MacBeth’s downfall is caused mainly by himself, he was the one that plotted those murders, he himself killed King Duncan, his fellow general Banquo and the family of Macduff. Another factor of his own downfall was his ambition; he strived to become King of Scotland that he lost all his humane emotions. During the beginning of the play, the witches play an important part in what was to be the main factor of the whole play, that main factor was MacBeth’s downfall. In the start where Macbeth and Banquo confronted the witches, the 3 witches addressed Macbeth as the Thane of Cawdor, The Thane of Glamis and King hereafter. From that moment one the decision Macbeth faced would change and alter his life forever. Instead of choosing to dismiss the predictions as some gibberish Macbeth was quite taken in by it. And he even went as to command the witches to tell him more. â€Å"Stay, you imperfect speakers, tell me more†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..Upon this blasted heath you stop our way with such prophetic greeting? Speak, I charge you!† (Act 1 Scene 3 Lines 69 – 77) MacBeth’s downfall was none others faults except his own. He chose to accept the prophecies knowingly it had consequences. When Macbeth chose to accept the predictions that he would be † king hereafter† he immediately looked upon Duncan and in his mind began to plot his death. He even went as far as  to invite Duncan to his castle. After the murder of Duncan, Macbeth began to fill with darkness, he neither then without guidance nor with the approval of his wife, Lady Macbeth he ordered Banquo killed by hiring 2 murderers. From there MacBeth’s downfall was quite of evil intent. He murdered Macduff’s wife and child. † I go, and it is done; the bell invites me. Hear it not, Duncan, for it is a knell That summons thee to heaven or to hell.† ( Act 2 Scene 1 Lines 62-64) † It is concluded. Banquo, thy soul’s flight, if it find heaven, must find it out tonight†. (Act 3 Scene 1 Lines 140-141) † I hope in no place so unsanctified where such as thou mayest find him†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦He has killed me, mother! Run away, I pray you.† (Act 4 Scene 2 Lines 81-88) MacBeth’s ambition was to be King of Scotland, after the witches greeted him as â€Å"King hereafter† MacBeth has strived to be king. His ambition was far too great and his strive to be king took over him replacing him with an evil shell, murdering anyone who stands between him and the throne. MacBeth’s ambition was the creation of his downfall; his ambition to be king overtook his humane qualities, and drove him to the point of madness. † Thy very stones prate of my whereabouts and take the present horror from the time. Which now suits with it. – Whiles I threat, he lives: Words to the heat of deeds too cold breath gives. (Act 2 Scene 1 Lines 59-61) MacBeth is a character of weak moral. MacBeth’s downfall is entirely his fault, as he chooses not to dismiss the prophecies but instead become more eager to learn more of him ascending the throne of Scotland. MacBeth killed Duncan and all those other innocent people and that was a major contribution to his own downfall. Also MacBeth chose to obey the witches prophecies and fact commit and murder that would turn the moral orders of the world upside down. Thus, MacBeth’s downfall was entirely without blame his fault. The witches and Lady MacBeth were just characters but the evil intent was inside MacBeth all the time.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Chemistry Percent Composition Report

Percent Composition Report Hypothesis: By using seperation techniques properly, the 3 substance such as; water, sand, and salt can be seperated and the percent composition of each substance. Which will then be calculated theoritically and after comparison with the actual result, the accuracy of the 2 result can be found. Aim: The aim of this experiment is to compare the gravimetric result of the original mixture and the separated substance. The other objective is to calculate each percent composition of the substance that was in the mixture.Introduction: Percent composition is about calculating the percentage of a specific substance in a mixture or compound. It is used mostly to calculate the percentage of an element in a compound using moles. To find percent composition in a mixture, the first thing need to be done is by using separation technique to separate the substances. In this experiment, by knowing that salt is soluble in water and salt do not, determining the technique that is to be used is not a difficulty anymore.Finding composition is also important in daily lives, such as finding impurities in a material such as gold. People have found that most golds are not completely composed of gold, but it is also composed of other elements which becomes an alloy. It involves basic mathematical calculation, but the percentage that is found can be beneficial for the researcher depending on his intentions on what to do with it. Materials: -Mixtures of sand and salt -Aquades -Filter paper – Filter tunnel -Filtration apparatus -Stirer -Wired gauze -Beaker Procedure:The beaker, evaporating disk, filter paper, and the mixture is weighted using the provided equipment -Water is then added into the mixture which was in the beaker -The whole mixture that was poured by water is stired -The equipments for filtration was prepared -The mixture was poured to the filter paper and was allowed to be filtered -The sand residue was taken to the heater device to be heated o vernight -Equipments for the evaporation process is prepared beforehand -The filtrate was then heated, resulting only the salt as the water evaporizes -The sand was then weighted after a night Results : Object name Mass (grams) Beaker 60Beaker + Mixtures 86. 3 Beaker + Mixtures+Water 102. 7 Water 16. 4 Mixtures 26. 3 Filter paper 0. 5 Evaporating disk 34. 8 Crystallized Salt 0. 87 Analysis : Sand + salt + water = 25. 74 grams % composition: % of salt: % of sand: % of Water : Discussions: -Gravimetric analysis can only be applied on the experiment if it involves mearusing the mass of the objects or substances that are used in the process -The cause of inaccuracy in this experiment could be the wrong measurement of the water added, the salt substance that didn’t get soluted by the water because of the amount of the salt is more that the solubility rate of water can take. avoid inaccuracy in the records, precise measurements of every single thing is required, concentration on th e process, and correct mathematical calculations. Conclusion: Even if the inaccuracy of the gravimetric analysis is inevitable, the percent composition that can be pulled through the calculation gives us a better picture of how much each substance is in a mixture. Correct separation techniques are also used, which means separation process affects the result greatly.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Danshui Plant recommand for managemnt accounting perspective Essay

Danshui Plant No.2 is facing insufficient information for Wentao Chen, manager of Danshui Plant, to evaluate the performance of their production for the first quarter of their contract to assemble the Apple iPhone4. They were anxious as their target to produced 200,000 units of iPhone per month was unachievable as they could only produce 180,000 of units per month. Wentao Chan had called Jianye ma to request a summary of monthly operations, unfortunately Bingqian Li was uncomfortable with the report. In order to know what really going on, Li wants to prepare the flexible budget to compare the actual performance to the budget. Use of flexible budget allows the management to have a control and real time monitoring of business operations. This is because, it is prepared with the different line values for different sales projections. Besides that, it is become useful planning tools and help to react to the changes more efficiently. Since the company does not have enough information about the shortage of production of iPhone, the company still need to consider the possible causes of the problem. For examples, the problem may caused by the weaknesses of the plant that is used by the company to produce the iPhone. As we know before this, the plant is used to produce the computer hardware, and now it is used to produce the iPhone. Here, we can see that the capacity of the plant is unable to produce the iPhone. Besides, we know that the company need to produce more than 200,000 units of iPhone every month for the rest of 9 months dues to the shortage of the plant to produce the desired quantity of iPhone that being set by the company target, they should upgrade the maintenance of the plant that suits to assemble the iPhone. Besides that, the company can outsource some of the part of the iPhone from other company so that they could focus on the assembling the process only. By doinfg this, more labor could be assigned to assemble the iPhone and as a result, the amount of production will be lower due to the reducing in labors and material cost. Indirectly, all the material cost in producing the parts will be much lower as it will be taken by the outsource company. Apart from that, the ability or skills of labours needs to be enhanced. There is no point if the capacity of the plant can be increase to produces more parts but the labours still assemble the same amount of the iPhone. Therefore, as a solution, Danshui Plant need to held an speed and short training program that could enhance the skills of their labours in order to achieved the target. As we know that the program might consumed times, but the results will be better. More labor can be hire and let them to experience such program to perform better than before. The increasement in labor cost will be covered by the material cost that is reduced due to the outsource activity before.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

How to make the world a better place to live in Essay

There is nothing which can be done to totally improve the world’s condition presently. However, there is something which can de done for the betterment of the world’s condition. The main point which could affect the condition of the world is Education. Education provides people with knowledge, communication skills, discipline, and also with dignity. â€Å"Education’s purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one† said Malcolm Forbes. The supporting idea which could improve the world’s current situation is Religion. Religion provides people with a belief system consisting of discipline, tradition, culture, and morality. Matthew Arnold had said that â€Å"the true meaning of religion is thus not simply morality, but morality touched with emotion†. Last thing that might help is looking at the world in a social aspect. Being social gives us a more understanding character, and it gives us more information about the current issues which at least makes us not ignorant, and it also makes us more open to people. If a person has knowledge, good communication skills, discipline, dignity, a belief system consisting of traditions, cultures, and moral values, understanding, not ignorant, and more open, than that person could cause no harm or trouble to anyone. If billions of people view the world as an educational, religious, and also a social place, then the condition of the world would be greatly improved and would be a â€Å"heaven† to some people. Today, people have no time to do anything. They are so busy working that they don’t even know what is going on around them. All they want to do is to earn money. Money is everything for everyone these days. Money brings happiness to people nowadays, which is totally wrong. Money can never bring peace in anyone’s life. Money can actually ruin a persons’ life by bringing jealousy, and proud into that person. If a person has a lot of money, he tends to have more power on others, which usually leads to an evil act or a selfish act. Billions of people look at the world in an economic view which is the cause of all the politics tensions, wars, and all different kinds of riots and disasters. However, if people look at the world in different aspects, the world could be a better place to live in. â€Å"Education’s purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one† said Malcolm Forbes. Education can improve the world’s condition greatly. Without  Education, people would just live like cavemen and cavewomen. They will have no idea about anything. If everyone in this world is educated, there would be fewer problems in the world for example, over population. Education provides people with knowledge, communication skills, discipline, and also with dignity. From knowledge, we learn, understand, and analyze. We need to learn in order to know how things work. We understand by the learning and by all this learning and understanding, we can analyze things. From good communication skills, we tend to communicate well with others with created a better understanding between others. From discipline, people get self-control. Having self-control is always good because you know how and when to act. Lastly, from dignity, people learn how to respect themselves which brings in them an optimistic view. Education can provide all these qualities in a person. Education can make the world’s condition better which would create fewer problems in the world. â€Å"The true meaning of religion is thus not simply morality, but morality touched with emotion† said Matthew Arnold. Religion could also improve the condition of the world with the support of education. Without religion, people would have no belief system or any traditions and cultures. People would not have any history of their own backgrounds and their ethnic values. A religion teaches us what is good and what is bad for us. Religion provides people with a belief system consisting of discipline, tradition, culture, and morality. We need a belief system in order to keep a systematic schedule between work and also personal life. We need discipline because we need self-control. Having self-control is always good because you know how and when to act. We need traditions and cultures because without traditions and cultures, we will just live out lives as a robot. We will not have any festivals and will not believe in anyone or God. Traditions and cultures affect the way we look at things and also affect our thinking. Our traditions and cultures make us act as we do. Lastly, religion provides us with moral values. We need moral values in order to know what is good and what is bad for us. Without religion, we are nothing but just a bunch of people looking at the world in a very practical view with results in selfishness. Supported with education, and religion, looking at the world in a social aspect also helps to improve the world’s condition. If a person is not socially involved, it is likely that that person would have fewer knowledge of what is going on around the world as that person would not discuss about current affairs with others. That person would also not know other people properly which could results in disaster especially during bad times when you need someone’s help. Being social gives us a more understanding character, and it gives us more information about the current issues which at least makes us not ignorant, and it also makes us more open to people. You need to be more understanding in order for you to make good relationship with other people which make it easier to be socially involved. If you are more understanding, people will tend to talk to you more, which could result in being open with other people. Being socially involved can be very enjoyable yet also could be very beneficial. If billions of people view the world as an educational, religious, and also a social place, then the condition of the world would be greatly improved and would be a â€Å"heaven† to some people. Education provides people with knowledge, communication skills, discipline, and also with dignity. Religion provides people with a belief system consisting of discipline, tradition, culture, and morality. Being social gives us a more understanding character, and it gives us more information about the current issues which at least makes us not ignorant, and it also makes us more open to people. If a person has knowledge, good communication skills, discipline, dignity, a belief system consisting of traditions, cultures, and moral values, understanding, not ignorant, and more open, than that person could cause no harm or trouble to anyone. Education is needed because it makes a person who he/she really is and what his/her capabilities are. Religion is needed because it is necessary for every individual in a society. Being social is needed in order for your own recognition in a society. Every person needs to be educated, religious, and also social. These are the three aspects of life. Billions of people’s life could be enhanced if everyone views this world in these three aspects.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Business Development Report Ikea pany †Free Samples

The IKEA pany was started in 1943 and started selling furniture in 1956. By 2007, the pany had already opened up different stores for its products in the various countries. The IKEA pany is based in Netherland and creates products regarding furniture and home appliances to make life at home better. Offering a full range of products with affordable prices and a better life for people is the vision of the pany. This is a pany that earns its money even before they spend it because of the make use of their resources and hence able to make future investments. IKEA offers quality products to people at fair prices, and they believe that, when people grow due to using the pany's products, the pany itself grows too. It has many locations globally that supply the furniture and home appliances to different parts of the world (Drzazga, 2014). The pany has also included the selling of houses and flats so as to reduce prices for the first time buyers. The IKEA products and furniture usually designed in Sweden but mostly manufactured in developed countries so as to cut costs whereby the final assembly is done by the consumers (Edvardsson & Enquist, 2011). Some of the IKEA petitors include; the Babyage that sells innovative products to make babies live richer and parents live easier. SHOP.CA sells online millions of goods across the world which include clothing, electronics, furniture, home appliances, jewelry, toys, video games, musical instruments and many other products. Move Loot is another petitor which is the easiest way to buy and sell online which include pick-up and delivery (Rask, 2014). The IKEA has different management styles which it applies in their operations such as autocracy style, democracy, laisse- fair, and lastly paternalistic management style. The world is changing globally because of the current technology, IKEA pany has been facing different challenges in the busy world because some markets, especially in USA stores, are located mainly in urban areas, and this has made the shopping to be difficult because people have busy schedules and the stores are not within their reach. Electronic shopping is an innovation that the pany is looking forward to developing even though they opted for Facebook and Twitter but it did not work, and hence they saw the opportunity to implement the e- shopping which is a digital marketing  (Drzazga, 2014). Electronic shopping is whereby people can buy and sell goods and services from a seller over the internet. People usually find the product or the service by searching in the website which displays its items online and then orders for delivery. Earlier this year, the IKEA pany was announced to launch an online shop for the customers in the Czech Republic whereby local consumers can be able to order the products online  (Hassan, Sistani, & Raju, 2014) The electronic shopping is important because it allows for peace of mind because there are secure payments that are done online. People can track their order and then select the necessary date for collection of their items. After the online shopping, the shoppers will have access to the online shopping experience. Also, online shopping leads to opening of many stores and outlets and pick up points for the online orders which are made accessible to customers at different destinations. This is a business model innovation that is used to describe the current business or future business model. This model contains questions that act as guidelines for the designing process of the business model  (Massa, 2013). The IKEA business model canvas is made up of harvesters, manufacturing firms, transport firms, delivery panies and the outfitting firms. Their aim is to design modular furniture, manufacture modular furniture, advertise and market and offer after sale services to its customers. They offer affordable and cheap home products to their clients; it's easy to assemble and transport the furniture and their experience to their clients on childcare on site, dining options and also the whole family experience. To their family, IKEA offers exclusive discounts, and for loyalty, the storage is in low costs assembling, and delivery is for free. The customer segments include the cost-conscious consumers, college students, and small businesses. The key resources are infrastructure regarding megastores, actual furniture, trucks, lifting equipment, tools and skilled personnel regarding labor. The channels for transportation are superstores, catalogs, family email subscriptions and IKEA stores website. The cost structure includes the raw material costs, manufacturing costs, advertising costs, labor costs and transportation costs. The revenue streams are the furniture sales, food sales at the restaurant, service fees through delivery and assemble and accessories sale through yarn, tools and towing equipment. The goal of the IKEA business model is to create value within the industry of home furnishing  (Euchner & Ganguly, 2014). In the past decade, people could not afford the best quality furniture because of their budget and the pany saw this need and created a variety of furniture with different sizes, culture and also prices. The pany usually focus on the customer by shortening the distance between the creation of the product and its selling point. And this often lowers the costs of the products. The pany does this by looking at the customers' needs, and this gives the information about the consumer and by doing this, they use this information to design the furniture that the client needs considering the space requirement. Different customers face different challenges regarding i e, and this makes the pany use low prices that the people can afford according to their i es. The pany looks at the tastes and preferences of the consumers so as to design the products that suit those prefer ences.   By doing this, better materials are used and useful techniques used. The model usually believes in the personal touch as pared to the name of the pany which was named after its founder, the village and the farm where he lived. The value of the enterprise is to have the customers assemble their furniture at home. The furniture is packaged in the way that is easier to transport with instructions on how to put them in place. The IKEA model requires time to time updates meaning that the furniture is changed from time to time. It takes the information that they receive from their customers, identifies any need arising and then makes changes to the design where necessary. mon sense and hard work is emphasized in this model and gives people a chance to change a house into a real home. Even though the resources of the people are limited, the IKEA business model continues to pay dividends to the people. The service by the name click and collect, many people have been able to select the items of interest online, pay through the credit cards and then have their orders shipped to their areas. The IKEA customers have demanded to make online buying, and the pany is happy because it has met peoples' desires. Online payments have been made even though in the first week after it was launched, people needed to pick their goods from the stores (Hassan, Sistani, & Raju, 2014). People are now able to get their orders delivered up to their door with an additional cost which depends on the cost of goods to be delivered and the IKEA branch bought from. The e-shopping has helped people to have access to a variety of items as the goods are arranged in such a way that the pany needs to see what people want to buy. The IKEAs catalog is necessary because it shapes consumers' behavior as people use it to see all the products and get any information or ideas from home and hence use it to make online orders (Euchner & Ganguly, 2014). People use the augmented reality application to place their furniture at home, see how it looks and how it fits the space available. In Swedish, IKEA will launch its electronic shopping business in Shanghai and start selling its products online by the end of August. All the furniture, home appliances, and accessories will be sold online except food and green plants. With this new shopping, people will be able to login to the IKEA website and then buy items through the portal, but both the online and offline products will have same prices and categories. By shopping online, the customers will be able to decide whether the goods will be delivered to their door or pick them from the stores. It also enables people to choose from a variety of products that are available  (UDDENFELDT, 2014). The prices of transport and pick up are all the same for the people who order from the shop regardless of the weight of the items. IKEA pany uses the electronic shopping so as to have a unique experience for its customers which is associated with the ability to feel and touch the products. The technological changes have contribute d to the launch of electronic shopping, and it has created a better everyday life for so many people. The aim of the pany is to build on their expansion story and expand their online presence so as to have a good relationship with their customers all over the world with a shopping experience. Due to this launch, IKEA has conducted services allowing for purchases to take place with set delivery dates that fit customers' needs and convenience whereby secure payments are made through the credit cards. The pany has also launched an e merce shopping in Saudi Arabia whereby customers just click purchase items, and they are delivered to their doorsteps. The e merce is currently being practiced in selected areas, but soon it will cover the whole region of Saudi Arabia. A marketing manager of Saudi Arabia says that it has been the fastest growing e merce market in the Middle East and North Africa. By 2018, the pany is planning to launch a modernized full-fledged e merce business because they see the ‘click and collect’ service as being temporary. IKEA has also launched a home delivery and online shopping in Australia where customers will be able to order online and then collect in store or receive a home delivery. For this reason, IKEA should encourage people to buy flat packed furniture online. Online shopping includes many services like picking and delivery and also assembling hence making shopping from home possible and convenient  (Hassan, Sistani, & Raju, 2014). Further, the management of the pany should market the e-shopping innovation at both global and domestic level to gain as many customers as possible. Also, the pany should establish petitive strategies to withstand the petitive pressure posed by petitors in the market; this will help the pany gain a petitive edge against its rivals. Lastly, the human resource management of IKEA should recruit only the qualified personnel who have the right skills of providing excellent online shopping services to the customers. Technology impacts significantly on the success and performance of a firm. Most panies have invested broadly in sophisticated technologies in the provision of services and products. Electronic shopping benefits both the customers and the panies using the technique. Doing electronic shopping is the best with the changing of the technology because it saves time as people just order for items they need and they are brought within their reach with prearranged delivery and assembly services. Therefore, panies should employ the right resources and invest heavily in online shopping for this will help them get petitive and position themselves firmly in the market. Aversa, P., Haefliger, S., Rossi, A., & Baden-Fuller, C. (2015). From business model to business modeling: Modularity and manipulation. In  Business models and modeling  (pp. 151-185).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Baier, D., Rese, A., & Schreiber, S. (2015). Analyzing Online Reviews to Measure Augmented   Ã‚   Reality Acceptance at the Point of Sale: The Case of IKEA. In  Successful Technological    Integration for petitive Advantage in Retail Settings  (pp. 168-189). IGI Global. De Marchi, V., Di Maria, E., & Ponte, S. (2013). The greening of global value chains: Insights from the furniture industry. petition & Change,  17(4), 299-31 Drzazga, M. (2014). New Media in Marketing munication in Multichannel Retailing.  Studia Ekonomiczne, (205), 23-33. Edvardsson, B., & Enquist, B. (2011). The service excellence and innovation model: lessons   from IKEA and other service frontiers.  Total Quality Management & Business   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Excellence,  22(5), 535-551.   Euchner, J., & Ganguly, A. (2014). Business model innovation in practice.  Research Technology Management,  57(6), 33-39. Gassmann, O., Frankenberger, K., & Csik, M. (2014). Revolutionizing the business model. In  Management of the fuzzy front end of innovation  (pp. 89-97). Springer International Publishing. Hassan, S. M., Sistani, A. J., & Raju, R. S. (2014). Top Online Shopping E panies and their Strength and Weakness (SWOT).  Research Journal of Recent Sciences. ISSN,  2277, 2502. Jonsson, A., & Foss, N. J. (2011). International expansion through flexible replication: Learning from the internationalization experience of IKEA.  Journal of International Business Studies,  42(9), 1079-1102. Massa, L., & Tucci, C. L. (2013). Business model innovation.  The Oxford Handbook of Innovation Management, 420-441. Oboyanskiy, A., & Shuvalova, M. (2017). A concept of applications in the electronic merce market.  Journal of Economics and Social Sciences, (9), 8. Rask, M. (2014). Internationalization through business model innovation: In search of relevant design dimensions and elements.  Journal of International Entrepreneurship,  12(2), 146- 161 Rese, A., Schreiber, S., & Baier, D. (2014). Technology acceptance modeling of augmented reality at the point of sale: Can surveys be replaced by an analysis of online   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   reviews?.  Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services,  21(5), 869-876. UDDENFELDT, J. (2014). How furniture shopping could change through Omni-channel retailing and the use of technology-based innovations. Urgal, B., Quintà ¡s, M. A., & Arà ©valo-Tomà ©, R. (2013). Knowledge resources and innovation performance: the mediation of innovation capability moderated by management mitment.  Technology Analysis & Strategic Management,  25(5), 543-565.8.

Problem solving outline on getting organized Essay

Problem solving outline on getting organized - Essay Example Moreover, the garage is also heaving with boxes, books, tools and so on that needs to be given a proper place and sorted out. How should I go about solving this problem? Would I keep living like this? How can I put everything in an organized manner? B. Description of the problem I stay busy all day and have less time to spare so I want to solve this problem by spending the least amount of time. However, I have some important material that I would like to keep with me so some sorting has to be done. Several choices would fit the need, but I have to consider all of the work involved and make the right decision. II. Body A. Specific criteria stated 1) Time that would take to organize 2) Cost of organizing 3) Utilization of space B. Alternative 1, application of criteria, and evaluation Alternative #1: Boxing all the documents and belongings and labeling each box 1) This would take up a lot of time as I would have to go through everything and sort them into boxes. This would take a coupl e of days and that’s too much time considering my busy schedule 2) The only cost would be the boxed that I would have to buy which is not too much to spend 3) the boxes may take a lot of space in the house C.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

What strategic influence does Special Operations have Research Paper

What strategic influence does Special Operations have - Research Paper Example This research aims at analyzing the nature and the characteristics of special operations and the strategic influence that they have on the target population. Special operations demand the use of special methods of employment, special techniques, tactics, procedures as well as equipment. Special operations acquire significance in harsh environments characterized by high level of hostility, denial and environments that are most sensitive politically or diplomatically. These operations are thus more time sensitive and concealed in nature. Special operations according to Derek (2006, 149) have lower visibility, work in collaboration with local forces and require greater regional point of reference as well as cultural proficiency. Special operations require very high level of intelligence and the intelligence organ must have a good understanding of the major activities. It must be capable of approving all the logistical requirements within the shortest time possible, which is usually within a span of fifteen days. The communication system has to be significantly efficient to ease collection of information from the ground as well as coordination within the staff members involved to arrive at the best solution for the prevailing situation. In operating in remote areas, according to Derek (2006, 252) special operations mostly require the use of long range and surface oriented combined firing support. With special operations, offensive actions can be either by seizing the core facilities of the people as a piece of the wide operation or utilizing a guerilla war tactic of hitting and running away to cool the chosen targets. Even though the other ordinary units are capable of carrying out such operations, special units perform with greater precision thus yielding better results. Special Forces are also capable of conducting such operations in areas where the other ordinary units cannot reach. A common characteristic of special operations is effectiveness in terms

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Forensic Accounting class discussion Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Forensic Accounting class discussion - Assignment Example Software applications use a combination of functions, some of which include sorting, joining files, as well as record selection and extraction among others. Sorting entails arrangement of the data in some order, which can be regarded as meaningful; this may include the customer number, date, name, and amount. Joining files entails the gathering of various parts of different files of data. Record selection and extraction entails making a request for the computer to find occurrences in a certain field, which matches a criterion that interests the investigator (Kranacher, Riley & Wells, 2011). Skimming involves the stealing of cash from an entity before it enters into the accounting system. Sales skimming is referred as an â€Å"off-book† fraud since the cash is stolen from the victim before its recording in books of the victim (Kranacher, Riley & Wells, 2011). Fraudsters may use various techniques with the sole aim of concealing a receivables scheming scheme. One of the techniques used to conceal this form of fraud includes the creation of fake accounts. The write-off of inventories is also another method used to conceal a receivables scheming scheme (Kranacher, Riley & Wells, 2011). The difference between skimming and cash larceny is that skimming entails the stealing of cash before the recording of the cash. As a result, it becomes one of the difficult frauds to detect. On the other hand, cash larceny involves the theft of cash by employees after its recording in the books of the entity. As such, larceny is can easily be detected than skimming (Kranacher, Riley & Wells,

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Visa Inc Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Visa Inc - Research Paper Example Visa Inc. (2011) is a company that was founded from the simple idea of digital currency, but had managed to connect millions of businesses, consumers, financial institutions, and even governments to each other in the short while that it has been operating. It allows its customers, in over 200 countries (Visa Inc, 2011) and areas to replace their cash and check transactions to digital transactions. It has a separate network named VisaNet (Visa Inc, 2011) for financial institution clients. VisaNet is a central and modular payments network that offers three important services of â€Å"risk management services, information services and transaction processing services† (Visa Inc, 2011) all together in one package. Furthermore, VisaNet (Visa Inc, 2011) is constantly working on ways to improve their service, so that people can utilize the method of electronic payments for several more purposes and in more places, because of the network size and payment expertise. This enterprise also provides financial institutions with recognized payment products, which they use to provide â€Å"cash-access, prepaid, debit and credit programs to customers of all types† (Visa Inc, 2011), people as well as state owned and private businesses. This company is the owner of the Visa brand, with their customers crossing several millions and with 1.8 million ATMs distributed worldwide amongst several countries and regions (Visa Inc, 2011). This company remains a frontrunner amongst all electronic transaction companies since the start of its operations. It initialized with credit cards and moved on to offer mobile payments and neural networks, being one of the first companies worldwide to offer such services, thus always remaining updated and developed in an already rapidly changing industry. Considering the large contribution of Visa’s payment platforms to global commerce, its support to all its customers seems invaluable. Visa Inc. (2011) itself does not deal directly with customers in terms of issuing cards or